Petit Artiste Mobile is a unique way to commission meaningful and unique art for your home made (in part) by your kids!
Children paint with unencombered creativity. They have 0 expectations and put 0 pressure on themselves to create a masterpiece - which is why they are such great artists! They just need a little guidance!
How does it work?
You will pick the canvas size and color scheme (or at least a general idea of your color palette - i.e. more colorful or more neutral)
After those details are nailed down, book a session (about 45 min-1 hr) with me to work with your kids in my garage studio. We’ll talk about different aspects of painting an abstract; mixing color, using different brush strokes, mark making, balance, etc. Some kids like to have their signatures or hand/footprints which are fun to find when the painting is complete!
What we’ll then have is a beautiful underpainting for me to work from!
I will try to keep the most sentimental parts of the painting in tact all while elevating the overall feel. Please note that I will also be including my own artistic approach as I complete the canvas. I can’t guarantee how a painting will look once finished!
When will I get the canvas (or paper or college) once the kids have painted?
Turnaround time is usually between 2-4 weeks.
How much?
Email me and I’ll be happy to forward you the price list.